

Residue ejected on Wednesday, November 15, 2006

In my funny hiding place

At the bottom of a small hole

At the roots of daisies

And safe from the mad,

I retreated

Facing the pack of wolves

Which I stood up to.

In my beautiful dungeon

Where we vomit everything,

Dandelion Party

And forgotten by you,

I hid my failure

And my taboo ideas

That I was torn to pieces.

In my dark little house

Under sewer fumes

Smells like toilets

And to the stew grounds,

I offended my conquest

And broke my assets,

Moaning like a beast.

And there, in my wheelbarrow,

Immersed in mud

With the scent of shrimp

And in the mud of mud,

I gave back to Hamlet

The most tender kiss

To his skull without a skeleton.

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